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NGX Invest’s success in capital raises receives stakeholders’ commendations Read More
NGX Invest’s success in capital raises receives stakeholders’ commendations Read More
Top Gainers

Symbols Ref Close Change %Change
VSPBONDETF 276.00 330.00 54.00 19.565217
DANGCEM 394.00 414.90 20.90 5.304569
BETAGLAS 95.15 101.00 5.85 6.148187
Top Losers

Symbols Ref Close Change %Change
NEWGOLD 44,000.00 40,000.00 -4,000.00 -9.09
FGS202667 100.00 75.00 -25.00 -25.00
NB 34.00 32.30 -1.70 -5.00
Why Newdevco?

Innovative Ideas
We provide a means to let you know the only way around the market is that i would love to let you know some things here and under.

Business Solution
We provide a means to let you know the only way around the market is that i would love to let you know some things here and under.

5-Star Support
We provide a means to let you know the only way around the market is that i would love to let you know some things here and under.
Our Services

Stock Broking Services
Stocking broking services essentially involves buying and selling of shares based on the written mandates given to us by our clients.
Investment Management
This services is targeted at high network clients, groups and corporate bodies. The funds can be invested in a basket of securities for maximum returns..
Financial Advisory
Stock broker to public offers, Application for Stock exchange quotation and listings.,Receiving agents for public offers.

Mission & Vision

To promote capital market activities nationwide, a trustworthy partner solely committed to the provision of capital market and financial services to the full satisfaction of all stakeholders.We are one of the pioneer stock broking companies in Nigeria, Newdevco is a member of nigerian stock exchange and duly registered by the securities and exchange commission to operate in Nigerian capital market.

Terms and Conditions of Use

What does this policy cover?

This policy explains the terms which apply to users of any web sites operated by, or on behalf, of NewDevCo Investments (together NewDevCo Website”). NewDevCo Limited, a company registered in Nigeria with company number 8927373 (“We/Us/Our”).

Registered office address: NNIL Building, 4 Muhammadu Buhari Way, P.M.B 2340 Kaduna. NewDevCo is a private limited company acting on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries.

Privacy Policy

What does this policy cover?

This policy explains the terms which apply to users of any web sites operated by, or on behalf, of NewDevCo Investments (together NewDevCo Website”). NewDevCo Limited, a company registered in Nigeria with company number 8927373 (“We/Us/Our”).

Registered office address: NNIL Building, 4 Muhammadu Buhari Way, P.M.B 2340 Kaduna. NewDevCo is a private limited company acting on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries.

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